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Part 2.... the quest to satisfy the impatient ones

August 12, 2004 10:03

Continuing the story of the roomie debacle...

Back in the day, Gertie lived in Greenville with her two daughters, however, after being laid off from her job and after several months of unemployment and fruitless job searching, she finally got a job down in Jacksonville and moved down there, temporarily staying with her parents. At least, temporary was the plan.

However, as could sometimes be expected, the anticipation of saving while having reduced expenses was not realized. Her parents put some financial demands upon her, a long drive to work required extensive gas money, and she was therefore not able to move out on her own as quickly as she had planned.

However, as we slowly made up from a previous incident, the possibility of us eventually moving in together became more evident, and we eventually made plans to get her moved up where I live. Now, we wouldn't be able to immediately move in together, since I promised wes & cari I'd stay there for a year, and of course, she'd need to get a job, and the kids would need to transfer schools again, so as time went on, it was decided that the kids would finish out school where they were, and Gertie would move up here, stay with me for a couple weeks while she found a job, and then she'd get her own apartment and move the kids up here after the school year ended. Then after her 6 month lease ended, my year stay would have been up and we'd pursue a place to live together. This would also allow us to get used to being closer to each other without actually living under the same roof. I'm certain living together wouldn't be a problem, but it's always nice to take things slow and easy.

She had originally planned to move up around March, and was in fact invited to do so by both Wes & Cari numerous times. However a medical problem in her family delayed her move up here, so we finally decided to move her up around May 1st. This was planned at least several weeks in advance, and everyone, including my roommates, were excited about the move. Or at least, so I thought.

The day before she moves up, she worked her last day at her job and quit that day, although she'd been giving notice for a couple months now. Wes asks me early that afternoon when Gertie was coming down and I told him tomorrow. He seemed relieved by that revelation and told me he'd talk about it later. After he got home that night, he sat down and typed up a letter and gave it to me. It was May 1st.

To be continued...
