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DMI News

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Lots of Stuff

May 30, 2007 17:38

First off, school's out for summer, Tiffany got all gradumucated, received two scholarships and has been accepted to Texas Women's University where she's planning to attend next fall. Plans for the summer for her and Marjorie are yet to be determined, but Marjorie has cheer camp later in the summer.

Gertie got a new job working for a Denison, TX CPA firm, Joseph E. Madden. She'll be working with payroll for several local companies and small governments, monthly reconciliation, and of course taxes. She's been working there for almost a month now and enjoys it.

You might have also noticed some changes to the site recently. I've been making some changes to the layout to hopefully draw attention to the right places at the right time in the right order. I've put some common FAQ links right on the page and updated the FAQ as well. Several of the more content heavy pages now have automatically hyperlinked references to any mention of regular visitors to the site as well as other common terms. I have both links to more information as well as a popup reference window to give a brief summary. The lampmaster code has been updated to allow a lamp to be visible and controllable by up to 5 different cams. Lamps will now only show up on those cams that they're controllable from, to avoid confusion and save screen realestate.

The tank is currently broken, but a fix is on the way. A couple months ago, while in operation scraping against a wall, one of the segments of track broke. This is a tiny plastic piece which would be easy to replace if I had a supply of them, but I don't. I've tried frantically to find replacements parts short of purchasing an entire new tank. I ordered the first replacement from Hong Kong but it turned out to look exactly like what I needed, just about 20% too small. I've done more searching and I believe I've found the correct set, and I ordered it. It should arrive in the next few days. Assuming I got the right part this time, the tank will be operational 5 minutes after I get the package.

I've also got several rants. Well, rants may not be necessarily appropriate in all instances, more like... discussions... editorials. Much like I used to do on a much more regular basis. Something more blog like. Anyways, not that I'm trying to become a blog here, but I've got a few things to say and I'll be putting that out there over the next several days.

And last but not least, Marjorie got a new pet. Meet Zuro. He's a 8 week old black kitten. Despite some initial displeasure from Anabelle-Bob, they've been getting along pretty well. He's cute and playful and cuddly.. everything a kitten should be. Of course, he will someday grow up to be a cat, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. :)
