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The Wedding

November 08, 2005 16:40

Sorry this post is over a week late. It's been busy around here. I shall now regale you with the story.

I knew getting a new job only a few weeks before getting married was going to be troublesome, but I figured I could still get a LITTLE time to work on things during my off hours. It didn't quite work out that way. I had planned to have the living and dining rooms done by the time of the wedding, and up til the middle of the last week, I was working toward that goal or something closely resembling it. However, fate decided to play another hand. Work decided that I really really REALLY wanted some overtime and made me work 10 hour shifts. The sewer felt that it had enough crap from us and decided to back up, requiring me to spend a day waiting for Roto Rooter to show up and clear it out. Needless to say, by the time thursday arrived, it felt like I'd accomplished nothing. And from all practical purposes I hadn't. I should have spent the week instead working on wedding stuff.

Friday arrived and people started arriving. We lost the Shiz caravan somewhere in Alabama. The rest of us started getting things assembled. We had the rehersal dinner but no rehearsal, since we weren't set up for it yet. As time rolled on, things were ready to go, but the network wasn't ready and the cams weren't functional yet, because I lacked one very necessary long network cable, and I couldn't find the crimps or crimper needed to make one. I eventually found the crimper after 2 hours of digging for it, when Gertie decided to retrieve them from her secret hiding place... some drawer somewhere. I apparently knew where they were. While searching for the crimpers I found what was apparently a pair of dress shoes. Since I had that on my list of must-have things to look for, I mentally crossed that off, knowing now I had a pair. If I couldn't find any, I would have kept looking or obtained some the next day if necessary.

The day of the wedding was a nightmare. I stayed up all night working on a theme for the site that I couldn't get working right. I then had to go to Rat Shack early in the morning to get some crimps for the network cable. Getting back, I couldn't seem to get the cable to work. No idea why. And since nobody else was around yet, I had no way of testing it. So I got all the cams and a computer for them set up out there just so it'd be ready once we got the network working. I only slept for an hour that day. There was a point 30 minutes before the wedding was to start that I finally gave up on the cams in the tent idea, since we were not going to get a working network connection, in spite of the guys' efforts to build a wireless bridge.

I go upstairs to get dressed, which is going fine until I discover that my pair of shoes is in fact two different shoes and both of the same foot. This is obviously going to be a problem. Searching for the original pair of shoes results in no positive results and nobody seems to know where they are. I finally recruit all the guys to go into the office closet and dig to the bottom of it to pull out the purple bin and find my shoes. They succeed. I'm finally able to go outside and start greeting people.

Finally someone yells for me to get into the tent. Gertie's here. We get in there, I hand Dweasel the ring. And from that point, everything goes off smoothly. Everyone involved did a wonderful job.

More to come.
